English (KS1, 2 &3) with Olivia Burns

£30.00 per lesson


 Lesson Details

Improve your English language skills with a native English speaker.

My Subjects

 My Experience:

Masters in Business Administration in healthcare business
First class honours degree in textile business and management
A - Level English literature, Grade A
A - Level History, Grade A
A - Level Textile design, Grad A*
GCSE English literature, Grade A
GCSE History, Grade A
GCSE English Language, Grade A


 My Qualifications:

With a strong academic background that includes a First Class Honours in a Bachelors in textile and business management at Manchester metropolitan University and currently studying on an MBA at the UCL global business school for health. A native English speaker with 10 GCSE’S grade B-A* and 3 A-levels grades A-A*.


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