French with Eliza Brown

£30.00 per lesson


 Lesson Details

I achieved an A in French A-Level and a 9 at GCSE. I have experience tutoring French up to 13+, and am confident in tutoring French up to GCSE. I also have my DELF B2 qualification, which certifies that I am proficient enough in French to study at French universities.

My Subjects

 My Experience:

During 6th Form I participated in my school’s community outreach programme by volunteering to teach an after school Latin club at a local primary school for children aged 6-10 who had never studied Latin before. The children both enjoyed lessons and were able to learn, with some becoming proficient in basic Latin grammar and vocabulary, able to tackle and translate simple sentences with no prior learning and only being taught once a week during term time. This summer I worked with a local 12 year old girl needing help with French in preparation for her 13+ entrance exams. I planned hour-long sessions, created worksheets and crib sheets, and assisted her in both completing and fully understanding her holiday work, as well as explaining in more depth the grammatical areas that she struggled in. I also have experience tutoring one of the children I nannied for his 11+ entrance examinations, helping him with verbal reasoning skills.


 My Qualifications:

I achieved A* in my English Literature A-Level, and achieved A's in both Latin and French A-Level. I achieved 9s in all 3 of these at iGCSE level, and achieved 7s-9s in 8 other subjects. I also have my DELF B2 French qualification. I am currently studying English Literature at the University of Bristol.


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