Maths with Rufus Hanna

From: £30.00 per lesson


 Lesson Details

I have a strong passion for maths and find the subject extremely stimulating and exciting. My goal is to share this passion with my tutees. I believe that the secret ingredient to being a successful tutor is patience and creating a comfortable and stress-free environment wherein a student can thrive and express their mathematical creativity.

Having been doing maths for most of my life, I am confident that the only way to properly master maths is through tackling carefully constructed examples designed to teach a certain concept, technique or common misconception. I like to start with easier examples to help solidify the foundation of a student’s knowledge and help boost their confidence, eventually ramping up to more difficult, multi-part examples that often require piecing together different topics (‘synoptic questions’). I have always believed that whatever grades you are aiming for, having a go at the most difficult questions, even if you have no idea where to start, is extremely beneficial. They not only push you to master certain topics, but they make other questions appear more approachable in comparison and encourage ‘productive struggle’ (a term I learnt from my A level Further Maths teacher).

The main hurdle to overcoming the anxiety and dread that many students feel when learning maths is dealing with being stuck. As a maths student, I know how this feels! Over the years I have developed strategies to turn the struggle of being stuck (which often involves panicking and staring blankly at the page) into something productive. Sharing these strategies with my tutees will not only improve their exam technique but will make them better mathematicians and help them foster a love for the subject, as maths is ultimately a fun creative endeavour!

My Subjects

 My Experience:

At school I was always approached to help fellow students who were struggling on certain topics/questions, providing me with ample tutoring experience. I also volunteered to be a tutor at the GCSE maths club when I was in Sixth Form. I have been tutoring students of all key stages locally in my neighbourhood for several years.

I am currently embarked on a research project collaborating with a PHD student at Imperial and will go on to another research project in Bristol during the summer. This work involves lots of collaboration, so I'm constantly explaining maths to others!


 My Qualifications:

I am a knowledgeable and enthusiastic maths student currently in the second year of my Maths MSci at the University of Bristol.

At A level, I received 3 A* grades in maths (94%), further maths (86%) and physics (72%).

In the first year of my degree, I exceeded 85% in all of my exams, securing a first class honours (and a place in the top 3% of my year).

I have 10 GCSEs grades 8 to 9.


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