Physics with Ahmad Adan

£30.00 per lesson


 Lesson Details

We will begin with derivatives and from there, we will derive important concepts that is commonly used in physics. We will have a more intuitive sense of the subject by showing examples related to the topic. We will understand the subject from the point of view of a physicist and engineer that will help build confidence when answering exam questions. Students will be provided with practice problem sheets that will help them expand and apply their knowledge in physics. Lecture notes and lecture slides will be provided, as well as extra material if interested.

My Subjects

 My Experience:

My name is Adam Adan, currently based in London. I have had over 3 years of experience working with students teaching subjects such as English, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. I have had experience working both online and physical tutoring for both one-to-one and group sessions across multiple different tutoring agencies and platforms. My ideal tutoring methods are adaptive and catered to the students with an extreme focus on students’ academic growth.


 My Qualifications:

9A* in National Examination (GCSE Equivalent) including English, Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
3A* in AS and A2 Level including Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry
Undergraduate Degree from Imperial College London doing Chemical Engineering
Researcher at Imperial College investigating Crystallization of Peptides


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