From: £30.00 per lesson


 Lesson Details

I’m a current Astrophysics student at Edinburgh University, and am eager to share my knowledge and expertise with students.

My Subjects

 My Experience:

I have spent the past year mentoring 6th form students at weekly Mathematics workshops, helping them with homework and other Maths problems. I really enjoyed seeing the improvements that each student made over the course of the year, experiencing their elation as they told me about their results for the test they'd just done, or how they'd finally managed to solve this problem on a tricky topic we'd worked on. This mentoring role in workshops has also given me valuable insight into the different perspectives of looking at a problem, which has further enabled me to hone my own problem-solving skills.
Informally, as the "go-to" person for help in classes, I've had daily opportunities to aid others academically, explaining concepts and ideas, and working through problem-solving strategies.


 My Qualifications:

I'm Ainslie and I have achieved A*s in A Level Mathematics, Further Mathematics, and Physics. I achieved an A in A Level French.
At GCSE, I achieved Grade 9 across all subjects (Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English Language, English Literature, Geography, German, French, Latin, Music)

I am currently studying Physics at university.


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