Religious Studies with Stephanie Targett

£30.00 per lesson


 Lesson Details

I have a first class degree in Philosophy and Theology from the University of Oxford, an MA in Theology from Durham University, and a Religious Studies A-Level (A*). Teaching Religious Studies/ Education is an opportunity for me to help students to better understand the world and the people in it, and explore life’s deepest questions.

My Subjects

 My Experience:

I have previously worked as a tutor for the charity 'Oxford Hub' in their Schools Plus sector. This charity combats educational inequality by offering free tutoring to students in need.


 My Qualifications:

I have a First Class BA in Philosophy and Theology from the University of Oxford, and an MA in Christian Theology from Durham University.

I have A-Levels in Religious Studies (A*), English Language and Literature (A*) and Mathematics (A).


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