Maths with Sam Alsop

From: £30.00 per lesson


 Lesson Details

Hello, I’m Sam!
I have been passionate about maths since I was 5 years old, asking questions and comparing methods before I’d started GCSE and my enthusiasm has not stopped growing since. Maths can be a fascinating world of logic and reasoning, but without a solid foundation to build from, it can also be quite scary. I aim to develop a student’s intuition and fundamentals such that they feel confident using Maths everyday in whatever way they see best.

I can provide lessons tailored to each student’s strengths and weaknesses, so whether you need help answering some tricky questions, understanding a new concept or some exam technique, I will be there every step of the way to guide you and fill the gaps in your knowledge.

So, I will start each lesson with a short conversation where the student can talk about what they have struggled with or just express their ideas about a topic. Then we will do some questions and see some new explanations/techniques, followed by a very short conversation at the end about what they did well and what to work on for next time!

My Subjects

 My Experience:

I have enthusiastically studied maths for the past 15 years of my life, and I'm fascinated by the many different explanations of the concepts involved. Because of this, I can tailor my explanations for many different levels and build new ideas accordingly.

At school, I was often encouraged by the teacher to help other students who were struggling in the class and at it was then that I discovered a passion for teaching. Since then I have strived to learn as much as I can, share my knowledge with others as often as possible and maybe even inspire some young matheticians!


 My Qualifications:

I am currently in my 3rd year studying Pure Mathematics (MMath degree) at University of Nottingham.

A*A*AA in A-Level Maths, Physics, Further Maths and Computer Science respectively.
10 GCSEs ranging from 9-7, with a 9 in both Maths and Further maths.


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